Retirement solutions in Cyprus

Our mission is to provide tailored solutions for a decent and passionate retirement in the lovely island of Cyprus. 

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Retirement Solutions is developed by Expand Strategies to offer ideas, tips, events, services, and various support to people of different nationalities seeking to retire comfortably in Cyprus. 

The initiative was founded on the owner's mission to provide the proper guidance for a fabulous retirement. Based on personal experiences spanning 20 years, Jade W. Dagher witnessed people struggling to find better ways to relax at the end of their careers. Sadly, he also witnessed many unfortunate cases where people either failed to plan or planned well but were victims of crises or other circumstances that made them either keep working to earn a living, lose hope of enjoying the great times they were dreaming of, or simply couldn't reach their retirement destination due to accidents or sickness.

In summary, we work on answering the basic questions:

  • Where would you like to retire?
  • When do you plan to enjoy your retirement?
  • What kind of retirement would you like to experience?
  • How you want to tailor the best days of your life?

Our process starts with a retirement assessment and the solutions provided evolve around six main areas:

This will help you plan for the best possible retirement phase, the golden age where you should enjoy every moment and celebrate success. Of course every plan will take into consideration your goals and priorities, risk profile, duration, and lifestyle preferences. 

Standard timeline:

Retirement is one of the most pleasurable yet most challenging goals to achieve in life. People work more than 40 years to achieve this stage and enjoy it by relaxing in a calm environment and travel around the world. However, many issues could raise difficulties and make this goal harder to achieve. 

Below are some challenges and concerns to think about:

  • What if my health changes? 
  • What if medical expenses arise and special care is needed?
  • What supplements can I have to enjoy a better energy?
  • Who can help me for better exercising to maintain my shape?
  • What if I need physiotherapy or other treatment?
  • Who can remind me of nutrition needs, my medicines, buy them, and make sure they are always within the expiry date?
  • Who can check my blood pressure, diabetes levels and needed injections?
  • Do I need to install an internal elevator, machine for mobility or other logistics as prevention for accidents or deteriorated health?
  • How will I generate income to live if my savings wouldn’t be sufficient?
  • Who will handle my business after I retire? Shall I hand it over to my next generation, sell it or close it?
  • Can I work as part timer in a company or in my own business?
  • Do I have enough saved funds? 
  • Will their performance be good enough? 
  • Will they be available at the time I need them? 
  • How will I spend my time? 
  • Will my other half be around me?
  • Where and with whom can I play cards, games or other similar activities? (Movies, scrabble, chess, etc.)
  • Where can I travel and enjoy a good time?
  • What are the places where I can find people at my age and my mentality?
  • What activities are available that could be suitable and adapted to my age? (Cooking, planting, drawing, painting, Yoga…)
  • Who will take care of my yaght in case I am rich, and who can take care of my cats and flowers in case I am leading a simplistic life?
  • What if I need to speak and have somebody to listen to me?
  • What if I simply need a friend to spend some quality time?
  • How can I communicate with my relatives around the world if I have limited access and knowledge with technology?
  • What if I need some paperwork assistance?
  • Who can handle my renewals and permits?
  • What if rules and regulations change without enough prior notice?
  • What if I can’t drive?
  • How can I ensure an available transportation at a fair price?
  • Are there other people who can do car pooling?
  • What are the available insurances in the market?
  • What do they cover and what are the exclusions?
  • What are the related costs and would social insurance cover me?
  • Who can assist me with visa and residency applications
  • What are the best solutions for my inheritance planning 
  • What are the other legal matters related to retirement in Cyprus
  • What is the best area to reside in?
  • Who can handle my property management and my maintenance? 
  • Who can handle my other assets to earn passive income?
  • Who can assist me with buying or renting retirement homes or apartments in Cyprus?
  • Who can help me in my groceries? 
  • Who can cook for me or where can I find healthy food?
  • Who can help me in shopping for clothing and accessories?
  • Who can handle my gifts for special occasions?
  • Who can help me in my basic needs like cleaning, laundry, walking, getting dressed, showering, wardrobe organization...?
  • Who can help me plan for my birthday, wedding anniversary or regular gatherings for family and friends?
  • Inflation: what if expenses get high enough and deplete my savings?
  • Who can I organize and pay my expenses?
  • Who can organize my schedules of payments to always be on time?
  • Who can organize my paperwork like bills and receipts?
  • Do I need financial support? And where can I request it from?
  • Who can guide me on managing retirement savings and investments, and advice on tax-efficient ways to transfer money to Cyprus?
  • How can I keep my home secure?
  • How can I protect myself from robbery or assault?
  • How can I learn better self-defense tools or techniques?
  • What languages, courses or skills can I keep learning? 
  • What technology can I learn to stay to stay up to date
  • What books can I read to stay informed
  • What university programs can I attend online or physically?
  • What if I pass away earlier?
  • What happens to my assets, my business and my taxes?
  • How will my dependents maintain their standard of living?
  • Where will I buried and who will handle the funerals logistics?
  • Are my trust and will legally updated and fair?
Can we solve all of the above? No! But we can surely discuss all these concerns and offer an extra ear to listen, and an extra hand to help in finding suitable solutions along the way.

people near seashore and beach houses viewing calm sea


  • Climate: Cyprus has a warm Mediterranean climate with mild winters and hot summers, making it an ideal location for retirees who enjoy outdoor activities and warm weather.
  • Cost of living: Cyprus has a lower cost of living compared to other European countries, making it an affordable option for retirees. Additionally, Cyprus offers a tax-friendly environment for retirees who want to enjoy their retirement income.
  • Health care: Cyprus has a good health care system with both public and private hospitals. The country has a high standard of health care, and medical costs are generally lower than in other European countries.
  • Cultural and recreational activities: Cyprus has a rich cultural heritage and offers a variety of recreational activities, including historical sites, museums, beaches, and outdoor activities such as hiking and golfing.
  • Language: English is widely spoken in Cyprus, making it an easy place for English-speaking retirees to settle in.
  • Safety: Cyprus is a safe country with low crime rates, making it an attractive location for retirees who are concerned about their safety.
  • Community: Cyprus has a large expat community, and retirees can easily make new friends and socialize with people from all over the world.
  • Food and Wine: Cyprus has a rich culinary tradition, with a variety of delicious and healthy Mediterranean dishes. The country is also known for its wine production, with many vineyards producing high-quality wines.
  • Location: Cyprus is situated in the Eastern Mediterranean, making it an ideal location for those who enjoy travelling and exploring nearby countries
  • Real estate: Cyprus offers a wide range of affordable real estate options for retirees, including apartments, villas, and houses. Additionally, the country has a well-developed real estate market, making it easy for retirees to buy or rent properties.

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